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Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Delivers Results for Food Producers and Agribusinesses

The Government of Ontario, the University of Guelph, and Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario are celebrating a year of world-class research, innovation, training and laboratory testing that have delivered sustainable solutions for Ontario’s $51-billion agri-food sector.  

In its first year of a renewed five-year agreement, the collaboration known as the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance contributed nearly $207 million to the province’s growing agri-food economy, growing businesses and helping the sector thrive. 

The Alliance is fuelling the development of farm-ready robot technology, addressing challenges such as rural veterinary shortageson-farm cybercrime and unlocking the keys to sustainable, efficient livestockfish and egg production, all while equipping students with the hands-on skills they need for the future. 

These are just some of the solutions developed for the province’s farmers, agri-food businesses and consumers and rural communities that are summarized in Growing Ontario Solutions, the Alliance’s annual report. 

“Research and innovation are key assets for our agri-food industry’s long-term competitiveness, resilience, and adaptability in a changing world,” says Rob Flack, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness. “The Alliance continues to generate tremendous technological momentum, and our government will continue to invest to enhance it. We are excited and eager to see the fruit of further research findings, innovation, and commercialization across our growing $51 billion agri-food sector.“  

“The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance exemplifies the collaborative approach that is vital to moving agriculture forward in this province,” says Dr. Rene Van Acker, interim president and vice-chancellor at the University of Guelph. “The University of Guelph is proud to contribute our world-class expertise in agricultural and veterinary sciences to this joint effort, which includes training future agri-food leaders. Together with our government, industry and academic partners, we will continue to solve challenges so farms, communities and businesses can prosper, and Ontarians can enjoy a safe, healthy, homegrown food supply.”  

Four key Alliance benefits—a strong economy, a skilled workforce, innovative solutions, and safe, healthy food —stem from cutting-edge research and innovation, training and laboratory services that come together under the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance banner. 

Source : News Guleph

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FREE Corn With 59 Year Old Tractor

Video: FREE Corn With 59 Year Old Tractor

This was a year-long sweet corn patch project, and so so so worth it! We learned so much about using and fixing older equipment, and my dream came true: we had a great, big sweet corn patch on the back 40! Thank goodness for all the auctions and farms with implements hidden in tree lines and weeds! We learned a lot growing it, but giving it all away for free and then harvesting it was the really fun part. We cant wait to do this all over again next year! What should we grow? How can we do this better? We'll take any advice you can give us!