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The Ontario Apple Growers issued the November 2019 provincial crop estimate indicating that the crop was down 8.8% from 2018 at 7.4 million bushels (311.7 million lbs).
For the first time, Gala production exceeded McIntosh production. This trend matches what is happening in the United States. There, the Gala apple displaced Red Delicious in 2018. 
The report did not include orchard (grounder) juice apple volumes.
Source : Ontario Apple Growers

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Amending Clay Soil to Plant Climbing Roses

Video: Amending Clay Soil to Plant Climbing Roses

Today, I’m switching things up and planting roses! Normally, I’m in the vegetable garden talking about things like top dressing or soil amendments, but today, I wanted to show you another use for my favorite soil amendment, Soil³—perfect for amending my clay soil when planting trees and shrubs like these rose bushes.