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Ontario Apple Growers are receiving cost-share funding from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) to support promotional activities for the next two years.

“We are excited at the diverse range of promotional activities we will be able to undertake over the next two years to promote local food production and talk to Ontarians about the quality and sustainability of locally grown tree fruit,” says grower Cathy McKay, chair of the Ontario Apple Growers. “Ontario apple and tender fruit growers have seen tremendous support from consumers particularly since the pandemic, and we are looking forward to reaching even more Ontarians through this upcoming campaign.”

With the funding, Ontario Apple Growers are working with Ontario Tender Fruit Growers to promote seven different tree fruit crops that grow in Ontario: apples, peaches, pears, nectarines, plums, apricots, and tart red cherries. A digital campaign on social media, television and radio will enhance awareness and support for local food by informing consumers which tree fruit is available and where, what is on sale every week during the growing season, and what shoppers should look for in stores to find the fruit of their choice. 

Transit and billboard ads placed throughout the Greater Toronto Area, along with point-of-sale materials, recipe cards, eye-catching in-store displays, and sampling events will inspire consumers to support local food production. In addition, food influencer tours will give participants behind-the-scenes access to food production that they will be able to share with their followers across their various platforms.

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2025 Ag PhD Corn Workshop

Video: 2025 Ag PhD Corn Workshop

Farm Basics from Ag PhD Episode #1396 | Air Date 01/05/25 - Brian and Darren invite you to attend the Ag PhD Corn Workshop on January 15, 2025.