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Ontario Corn, Soy Planting Nearing Finish

Outside of rains received last Friday and Saturday, conditions have generally been excellent for field work over the past week which has allowed planting to continue or wrap-up at a quick pace for most parts of the province, according to the latest OMAFRA field crop report released Friday. 

Cool night temperatures, including frost warnings in some areas, are expected to have minimal impacts for most field crops overall, but may locally affect some frost-prone areas. This also presents some challenges for the application of crop protection products, the report added. 

Corn planting is estimated to be nearly complete in most areas, with many areas having wrapped up last week. Even areas with heavier soils that typically start later are reported to be on the home stretch. There have been a few reports of replants where stands were not satisfactory. 

Soybean planting continues. Some reports of planting completion range from 75% to 90%. Earlier planted soybeans are continuing to emerge. 

Winter wheat flag leaf is emerging in more advanced areas. In general, foliar disease pressure is low, though Powdery Mildew is showing up in some susceptible varieties.  

Winter cereal forage harvest has continued or started in many areas of the province this week. First cut hay is generally limited at this point, but some may be starting over the next week, the report said. 

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