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Ontario Harvest Progress Remains Strong

Ontario harvest progress remains strong, with overall favourable weather allowing fieldwork to progress rapidly, according to the latest weekly update from the Grain Farmers of Ontario. Strong yields are reported, along with good crop harvest moistures and field conditions. 


Corn harvest is between 40 to 60% complete. Grain moisture has dropped quite a bit from the start of harvest with all the warm weather, which will certainly help with drying costs and ease of harvest. Harvest moistures range from the high teens to mid-20s, with many pleasantly surprised by lower harvest moistures. 


The soybean harvest is 98 to 100% complete. Most of the remaining acres are those planted late or double cropped. 


Some areas in the deep southwest were still planting wheat last week. However, the remainder of the province has parked the planters due to winter just around the corner. 

Winter wheat continues to germinate, emerge, and grow well with favourable temperatures this fall. The rain that arrived earlier this week was appreciated. Emerged winter wheat is staging from GS 10 (first leaf through coleoptile) to GS21 (one tiller). 

In the latest update of his crop hotline, Real Agriculture agronomist Peter Johnson noted the excellent fall weather this year, with Ontario likely to set a new record in terms of winter wheat planted area. In fact, based on seed sales, winter wheat area in the eastern part of the province could expand by about 40%, he said. 

Corn yield reports continue to be huge as well, Johnson said, with results from some provincial plots as high as 325 bu/acre.  

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