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The annual Ontario Potato Research Day is scheduled for Wednesday, August 21 – rain or shine at the Elora Research Station. Start time is 10:30 am, with lunch provided. The event ends at 2 pm.
Come out to see 100-plus potato varieties for both processing and fresh markets. Researcher Vanessa Currie, Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph will guide the plot tour.
Growers will appreciate seeing freshly dug hills of potatoes and the architecture of the potato plant beside them.
Guest speaker is Virginia Dickison, biologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Fredericton. She will be speaking about program modernization and variety development. 
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Getting the Most Out of Your Spring Lettuce + Managing Excess Phosphorus

Video: Getting the Most Out of Your Spring Lettuce + Managing Excess Phosphorus

Welcome to episode 86 of Growers Daily! We cover: Making the most of Your Spring Lettuce + Managing Excess Phosphorus