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Ontario Winter Wheat Harvest Half Complete

Thanks to drier weather following the previous week’s torrential downpours, the Ontario winter wheat harvest is now making good progress. 

The latest field observations from the Grain Farmers of Ontario on Thursday estimated the provincewide harvest at about 50% done, up from around 25% the previous week. 

As some areas are winding down from winter wheat harvest – mainly in the deep southwest - others are just getting started, the report said, with most of the province now having completed or currently harvesting winter wheat.  

Meanwhile, corn and soybeans are both in the vegetative to reproductive stages, depending on planting date, with producers encouraged to prepare to manage disease. 


Corn development is still variable, with fields from vegetative stages to R1 (silk – one or more silks extend outside of husk leaves) appearing on the early planted crop. 

Corn fungicide timing (depending on the protection goal and product) is occurring.  With recent conditions, Gibberella ear rot could be a concern. Growers are also asked to scout for tar spot. It was found and confirmed in Ontario earlier this month and has now been identified in Essex, Chatham-Kent, Middlesex, Elgin, Waterloo and Haldimand-Norfolk. Tar spot was discovered in the province in 2020 and moved as far east as the Simcoe and Durham regions in 2021.   


Soybeans are anywhere from the V4 (late planted) to R4 stage (full pod- pods are ¾” long at one of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem). Overall, fields are looking variable. 

Fungicide timing is occurring or approaching for white mould control. Pockets of aphids are showing up in regions of Ontario.   

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Video: How Much Can You Earn Market Gardening + Are You Ready For March?

Welcome to episode 96 of Growers Daily! We cover: how much can you earn in a market garden, FSMA exemptions, and are you ready for march?