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Ontario Winter Wheat Yields a Pleasant Surprise for Some

Winter wheat harvest is winding down across the province and reported yields to date have ranged from 80-130 bu/ac which compares well to the five-year average yield of 82.7 bushels/ac, according to the latest provincial crop report.
“This was a pleasant surprise for many growers’ considering all the stresses the winter wheat crop had to endure,” the report said, adding straw yields were averaging 4000 pounds/acre, above the average 3000 lbs per acre.
Wheat quality has been high as well, with very low levels of Fusarium head blight (FHB)
For soybeans, those areas of the province such as the southwest which have had frequent rain events, the soybean crop in most cases looks good and is advancing rapidly. Some yellowing due to water ponding (2+ inches) on the clay soils in Chatham-Kent and Essex are evident.
Soybean fields located in dry areas are showing early signs of reduced pod fill, flower abortion, reduced growth which may impact yields. Diseases especially sudden death syndrome, Rhizoctonia and Phytopthora root rots and soybean cyst nematode are apparent in many fields.
Crops particularly in Eastern and Central Ontario are showing typical moisture stress symptoms, while in field plant variability was obvious during tasseling which made fungicide application timing very difficult. Western bean cutworm levels have been low and egg masses have been rare which has allowed many growers to skip insecticide applications. Reports of good natural enemy populations have likely helped alleviate pressure.
Source : Syngenta

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