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OPINION: Angela’s very unfortunate gardening adventure

In retrospect, our apple trees should have been an omen of what our gardening success was to be this summer. All ten along our lane flowered towards the end of an extended hot spell.  A day later the temperatures plummeted and the winds picked up, ripping petals off the blossoms and turning our lane white.  Not one apple this year!

The new greenhouse was progressing well when both men came down with COVID the beginning of May. Although they tried to complete it, the fever/chills, headache, coughing and fatigue slowed them to a crawl. They worked wearing toques, gloves and winter jackets, shivering in the hot sun. The seedlings meant to go in it grew lanky in the house.

When completed the cucumber and tomato seedlings were moved in and tied to stakes. Yellow bean seeds kept from last year, were sown, as well as lettuce and radish.

We started the outdoor beds, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower from a nursery, beans, carrots, onions, beets, cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins from seed; the latter two from saved seeds. It all grew.

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On Friday, October 24, 1975, Market to Market kicked off a 50 season run.