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Opinion: Pandemic performance study blatant attempt to justify fed's actions?

Rather than learning from the painful lessons of the past three years, it’s obvious that we’ve entered a post-pandemic phase of government-led alarmism.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) – including Theresa Tam – has published a study in a Canadian public health journal declaring that pandemic-inspired restrictions substantially reduced the impact of COVID-19 in Canada. Counterfactuals of effects of vaccination and public health measures on COVID-19 cases in Canada: What could have happened? asks us to believe an imagined story about what may have happened had Canada’s public health measures not been implemented.

However, the result is a counterfactual narrative of a fantasized Canada quite divorced from reality.

Recent debate on the study’s findings has made it evident that Theresa Tam and her collaborators (“the authors”) are victims of common modelling pitfalls that have stripped their objectivity and, accordingly, affected the quality of their model and its output.

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Saying Goodbye to Kim Anderson

Video: Saying Goodbye to Kim Anderson

Finally, SUNUP bids farewell to our longtime OSU Extension crop marketing specialist Dr. Kim Anderson as he drives his Chevy S-10 off into retirement. Thanks for all you have done for our TV show and the thousands of producers you have helped during your 40-plus years at OSU.