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Optimizing Gut Health In Your Calves

From Alltech News 
On a microscopic level, there’s a battle going on inside every calf’s gut. In order for a calf to grow into a healthy adult animal and meet its full genetic potential, good gut health is vital, as it allows the calf to efficiently utilize the nutrients in feed.
“Both humans and animals have billions of bacteria in the intestinal tract,” said Steve Elliott, Alltech global director of the mineral management division. “Some are good and some are bad. These bacteria keep each other at bay or balance each other out in a healthy individual or a healthy cow. But when the balance is off and the bad guys overrun the good guys, that’s when we end up with problems.”
In order for bad bacteria to cause challenges, they must attach to the gut, where they can start to proliferate or multiply.
Antibiotics kill bad bacteria, but they can also kill good bacteria. So taking a different approach when addressing calf gut health can be beneficial.
“It is helpful to be able to focus on the bad bacteria while leaving the good guys alone, which better prepares the calf for potential health challenges,” he said.
Changing Tactics
In an effective gut health management program, you want the bad guys to leave the system and not be a risk to other animals.”
As a result, the bad bacteria don’t get into bedding or calving areas.
One way to achieve optimum gut health in calves is to use a feed supplement created to promote good bacteria and support natural defenses.
“Companies like Alltech have been working on these unique solutions and that’s where the nutritional technologies like BIO-MOS® have been well researched over the last 20 years,” said Elliott.
“It basically supports the balance of good bacteria inside the calf’s gastrointestinal tract, which is important in helping the good guys in the battle for the gut.”
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