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Options Available For Pasture Weed Control

By Miranda Meehan
The right option depends on the location and management goals.
Yellow patches of leafy spurge are beginning to pop up in road ditches across North Dakota.
“Leafy spurge is the most recognized noxious weed in the state, infesting approximately 746,183 acres, followed by Canada thistle (824,659 acres) and absinth wormwood (608,414 acres),” says Miranda Meehan, North Dakota State University Extension Service livestock environmental stewardship specialist. “These species are the most common noxious weeds found on rangeland and pastures across the state.”
Ranchers and county weed boards throughout the state work tirelessly during the summer to control these weeds.
“A number of methods of control are available, including chemical and biological control,” says Kevin Sedivec, NDSU Extension rangeland management specialist. “The right option for you will depend on your location and management goals.”
Here are some suggestions from the Extension specialists:
Leafy Spurge
Successful chemical control of leafy spurge is dependent on the proper timing of the application and the herbicide used. Leafy spurge is most susceptible to chemicals when in the true flower stage, or when it is in bloom and seeds are developing, typically in mid-June, or when the stems develop regrowth in early to mid-September.
A number of chemicals can control leafy spurge effectively, with Tordon (picloram), picloram + 2,4-D and Plateau (imazapic - fall application only) being the most effective.
Grazing with sheep or goats is the best biological control for leafy spurge because cattle’s use of leafy spurge is limited. However, livestock that graze on leafy spurge often experience photosensitivity due to the chemicals in the plant.
Flea beetles are another effective biological control option for leafy spurge; however, they are not well adapted for sites with sandy soil conditions.
Canada Thistle
Chemical application offers the greatest control of Canada thistle. Chemicals are most effective when applied at the early bud stage in early summer or at the rosette stage in the fall. Chemicals recommended for use in rangeland and pasture include Tordon (picloram), Banvil (dicamba), dicamba plus diflufenzopyr (Overdrive), Milestone (aminopyralid) and Curtail (clopyralid).
Livestock will graze Canada thistle when it is in the rosette stage but have not been shown to be an effective biocontrol method. Other biocontrol methods that have not been successful are the introduction of a gall-producing fly, a weevil and the painted lady butterfly.
Absinth Wormwood
At this time, chemical control is the only option available to treat absinth wormwood. Herbicides should be applied when the plant is at least a foot tall and actively growing. Application early in the growing season typically results in poor control.
Herbicides are recommended to control absinth wormwood. They include clopyralid (Stinger, Transline or Curtail), dicamba, Milestone (aminopyralid), 2,4-D, Tordon (picloram) and Roundup (glyphosate).
“Whenever using an herbicide, always read and follow the label directions,” advises Katie Wirt, NDSU Extension’s agriculture and natural resources agent in Grant County. “Roundup is a non-select herbicide and will damage or kill all vegetation on which it’s applied.”

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