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Organic Farming is Not Just a Trend, It's the Future of Agriculture

In a world where environmental problems are becoming increasingly acute and health concerns are coming to the fore, organic farming is no longer just a trend. It is now the indispensable future of agriculture.

Organic farming is not just a production method, but a philosophy of sustainability that minimizes the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and growth regulators, relying instead on natural processes. This approach is not only about growing food, but also about actively engaging with nature, focusing on biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability.

In Kazakhstan, organic farming has enormous development potential that has not yet been fully exploited. So far, the area of fields cultivated according to organic production technologies and certified by European certification organisations amounts to more than 200,000 ha. The development and introduction of more efficient technologies for growing food crops, stimulation of investments in this field, education and capacity building of agricultural workers and other measures can contribute to the development of organic agriculture in Kazakhstan and increase its share in agricultural exports.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carrying out systematic work on the development of organic agriculture in Kazakhstan. With UNDP support and in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the necessary legal and regulatory frameworks have been developed and various financial mechanisms have been adopted to stimulate the development of organic agriculture. In addition, UNDP supported the pilot certification of certain commodities in the agricultural sector.

Certification is an important element for the development of organic agriculture as it strengthens trust between producers and consumers. The label guarantees that the product really meets the high standards of organic farming.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there are 38 farms certified for organic farming in Kazakhstan today.

In 2015, Kazakhstan adopted the Law "On the Production and Turnover of Organic Products", which establishes the legal, economic, social and organisational framework for the production of organic products in order to ensure the rational use of land, promote healthy nutrition and protect the environment. Rules for subsidising certification costs were also adopted and standards for organic products, including a mark of conformity, were put into effect. In addition, the roadmap for the development of organic agriculture for 2022-2023 is being implemented.

The introduction of new regulations, standards and financial support accelerates the transition to more sustainable farming practises. The Government of Kazakhstan continues to move forward with the development of new laws and innovations to ensure that organic farming becomes a truly important part of the national agricultural system.

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