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OSU’s Corn College Workshop Is Feb. 10

By Tracy Turner

Producers and agriculture professionals can get an update on the 2016 corn market and learn how to budget for a profitable corn crop at a workshop led by farm management experts from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.


Corn rows







The 2016 Corn College is a daylong workshop offered on Feb. 10 that will focus on what farmers need to know to develop a successful corn growing operation, said Sam Custer, an Ohio State University Extension educator who is organizing the program.

OSU Extension is CFAES’s outreach arm.

The goal of the workshop, Custer said, is to help farmers focus on critical topics that can help them not only get the most bang for their buck, but also raise the profit potential of their farms.

“We’ll offer producers a look at what the latest research shows as they work towards maximizing corn crop yields in an economical fashion,” he said. “Producers will be making some critical decisions this winter as they buy products to set up and plant their crops this spring.

“Offering this workshop now will give them time to digest some key production information before they start to get their corn planted in April.”

The workshop is taught by OSU Extension educators and specialists and will be held at The Andersons Marathon Ethanol, 5728 Sebring Warner Road in Greenville, Ohio.

Topics will include:

* 2016 market outlook.

* Budgeting a profitable corn crop.

* Agronomic practices that optimize profitability in corn production.

* Nitrogen timing and needs during corn development.

* Darke County on-farm research results, including nitrogen response and manure side dress.

* Insect pressure on today’s genetics and future control.

* Fungicide effects on disease, ear rot and yield in field corn.

* Decision-making with high resolution crop imagery.

Registration for the workshop is $50 and includes the program, handouts, breakfast and lunch. Contact Custer at 937-548-5215 for more information or a registration form. The deadline to register is Feb. 3. Payment can be sent to OSU Extension, Darke County, 603 Wagner Ave., Greenville, Ohio 45331.



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