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Ottawa and Québec provide $500,000 in financial assistance for Laval University

Quebec City, Quebec - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, and André Lamontagne, Quebec Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, jointly announced financial assistance of $500,000 to fund a research project by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Laval University on the efficient use of electricity for heating and lighting in greenhouses. The funding is being provided through the Quebec Agri-Food Innovation Partnership Program under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

The completion of this research project, whose total cost is estimated at $1,145,370, is part of the Government of Quebec’s 2020-2025 Greenhouse Growth Strategy, whose goal is to double greenhouse area by 2025.

Further to Hydro-Québec’s adoption of a new electricity rate reserved for the greenhouse sector, this project aims to propose concrete ways to use electricity efficiently. The project manager intends to promote efficient management of heating and artificial lighting while optimizing productivity, reducing the risk of plant diseases and taking into account the particularities of this sector, including load shedding and power demand. More specifically, the objectives are to better understand electrical loads, maximize microclimates of plants, and develop strategies for the use of artificial lighting and heating that are most conducive to plant growth and disease prevention.

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This is Making Harvest a Pain!


Harvesting the soybean fields this year feels more like driving our farm equipment through a maze than a field, because of the 13 inches of rain in June and replanted areas. Join me today as I take the reins of the combine and harvest the areas of the fields that are dry. Learn about why we drive around the wet soybeans and the current plan to harvest them. Also, see John Deere's Machine Sync in use between the combine and the grain cart tractor. It's pretty evident that harvesting the soybeans this year is going to take longer than years past because of how much our productivity is lessened due to all the extra turning around and driving in a random fashion.