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Pair Of Manitobans Receive 2021 John Deere Canada 4-H Scholarship

4-H Canada has announced the recipients of the 2021 John Deere Canada 4-H Scholarship.

Fifteen 4-H members from across Canada will receive $1,000 toward their post-secondary education in a degree, certificate, or trade-based program for the upcoming academic year.

“At 4-H, we’re building youth leaders with the passion and skills to create sustainable change, and we are proud to partner with John Deere Canada to further propel our youth in achieving their goals,” said Shannon Benner, Chief Executive Officer of 4-H Canada. “We congratulate the 2021 recipients and know that their 4-H background will help them navigate their educational and career pursuits with confidence, leadership, and resiliency.”

The 2021 John Deere Canada 4-H Scholarship recipients from Manitoba are Halee Piasta and Emily Robb. Both are attending the University of Manitoba.

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