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Pan-Canadian Smart Farm Network expands across the prairies

A key announcement coming out of the Manitoba Beef Producers AGM.

The Manitoba Beef and Forage Initiatives will be joining the Pan-Canadian Smart Farm Network.

The network of smart farms (led by Olds College) shares data and expertise to help all aspects of the ag sector better understand, use, and develop smart agricultural technologies.

The overall goal is to accelerate the development and adoption of these  technologies across Canada. 

The network was launched in 2021 and includes the Glacier FarmMedia Discovery Farm at Langham, Sask., Lakeland College located at Vermilion, Alta., and University of Saskatchewan (USask) Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence (LFCE) located near Saskatoon, Sask.

For Dr. Joy Agnew, Associate Vice-President of Applied Research at Olds College, the network's continued expansion and collaboration across different agricultural zones and land bases brings more depth to the projects and technology evaluations that will benefit farmers and developers.

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