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Part II of Dr. Brian Lubbers On What Changes VFD Will Bring To Producers

In less than six months, the FDA’s Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) that has producers feeling a little tense, will come into effect on January 1, 2017. Brian Lubbers, D.V.M., Ph.D., of Kansas State University attempted to calm those nerves at a recent appearance at The Samuel Roberts Noble Research Foundation saying he has high hopes that these regulations will prove to be of little to no inconvenience for producers.
Part II of Dr. Brian Lubbers on What Changes VFD Will Bring to Producers
“First of all, I hope that the process doesn’t cause logistical challenges that keep animals from really getting those drugs that need them,” Lubbers said. “I really hope it doesn’t change for a lot of us and if that’s true that means we were using those drugs appropriately before.”
When VFD does take effect, producers will need to consult a veterinarian to obtain the medicated feeds they need to combat health challenges in their herds. Dr. Lubbers explained that the FDA has not issued an official form to be completed, leaving it to veterinarians to develop their own, but does require all VFD orders to include 17 specific items of information. He assured though that most of this required information consisted of the basics - i.e. name, address, medicine, quantity, etc.
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Video: Chaos in the Lambing Barn: Can We Keep Up?

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