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Pasture Management Session To Be Held In Corning

By Joe Sellers

Recent warmer temperatures, muddy field and feedlot conditions, and moderate weather conditions offer reminders that spring is on the way. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach beef specialist Joe Sellers encourages beef producers to begin thinking about their grazing plans.

“It’s time to start planning improvements to your pasture systems," Sellers said. "The Iowa cow herd is growing, and managing feed and forage resources is a key to profitability."

One early opportunity for planning is a pasture management session, "Spring Grazing – Opportunities and Management Needs," Feb. 27, 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Corning Public Library.

Topics to be covered and presenters

  • Grazing cover crops - Erika Lundy, Iowa Beef Center program specialist
  • Double cropping corn silage and rye silage, cover crops for cattle feed - Tony Mullen, producer
  • Preventing grass tetany, spring parasite control - Chris Clark, Iowa State Uiversity Extension and Outreach beef specialist
  • Renovating, improving pastures - Sellers, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach beef specialist

The library is located at 603 9th Street. Go three blocks west of Casey’s to Benton Avenue, then turn right (north) for three blocks.

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