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Pastures grazing tips

Livestock producers that were scrambling to line up feed supplies going into the winter are now anxious to move cattle out to pasture.

Saskatchewan Range Management Extension Specialist Kelly Cochrane says before turning animals out, the grass should be at that three to four leaf stage, or six to eight inches tall.

"Having these leaves will allow for sufficient photosynthesis to occur. That will allow for energy to be stored into the plant reserves, which is important later on for regrowth and allows the plant to withstand stresses. If a plant does not have enough energy reserves, it takes longer for the plant to regrow. This can be detrimental to the health of a pasture under dry conditions."

Tame pastures are generally grazed first about two to three weeks earlier than native pastures.

He adds it's also important to monitor pasture health and production along the way to make sure that pastures are not being over grazed.

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