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PED Elimination Plan Developed for Manitoba

A Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea elimination plan for has been developed for Manitoba.The Future of PED Working Group, set up in response to a major outbreak in 2021-2022, to look at PED management strategies including what was working and what needed to change, has created a PED elimination plan for Manitoba.

Jenelle Hamblin, the Director of Swine Health with Manitoba Pork, told those on hand last week in Winnipeg for Manitoba Pork's 2023 Annual General Meeting there's been a continuous decline in cases of PED from the 2021-2022 outbreak.

Clip-Jenelle Hamblin-Manitoba Pork:

We're currently looking to do some significant outreach and communication to the plan we've developed.It's been a work in progress and will continue to evolve and we will continue to put out that messaging to producers and sector stakeholders as the plan is developed and changed over time.

That's a big next step that we're working on.The targets that we're looking at, reducing our overall number of infected premises year over year.We're looking at a 50 percent reduction for our next large-scale outbreak, so looking at 132 cases from 2021-2022, reducing that down to half or 65 in 2024 and then year over year reducing by half is one of our main targets.

Secondly, one of our main targets is shortening the amount of time that a premise is positive for PED.If we can shorten the amount of time that the farm takes to eliminate the disease, it really reduces the overall risk to the sector and potentially spreading that through movement or biosecurity breach or area spread, so really looking at a more aggressive approach to managing that infection initially.

Hamblin notes we have been on that downward trend for PED cases but we're moving into spring when PED tends to pick up.She reminds everybody on farm, when vising high traffic facilities, when moving animals to practice biosecurity.

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