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PED Outbreak Offers Opportunity to Test Manitoba PED Elimination Plan

The Director of Swine Health with Manitoba Pork says the province’s first case of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea of 2024 is allowing Manitoba's PED elimination plan to be tested. Manitoba's first case of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea in 2024, reported December 3rd in a finisher barn in southeastern Manitoba, has triggered full biocontainment as outlined in the Manitoba PED Elimination Plan.

Jenelle Hamblin, the Director of Swine Health with Manitoba Pork, says Manitoba Pork and Manitoba Agriculture have worked collaboratively over the past couple of years to develop the plan and a key component of that plan is reflecting on what has been experienced in the past and incorporating that knowledge into future action.

Quote-Jenelle Hamblin-Manitoba Pork:

At this point all farms within five kilometers of that confirmed infected premises are all on surveillance for PED so samples are being taken weekly and submitted for diagnostics. We have also enhanced biosecurity across those farms in the five K as well and have strongly recommended enhanced biosecurity across all of the southeastern part of Manitoba.

At this point we're monitoring and increasing our diligence, maybe crossing our fingers a little bit that we can keep this contained.The biggest thing is to watch for clinical signs.

If you see clinical signs of PED, we need you to report that to your veterinarian right away so we can act quickly and take the precautions that we need to.
When we see PED jump to a farm in the southeast there is a higher potential for spread. We've seen it in the past and I can't stress this enough, we need to double down on our biosecurity and really help to keep this virus contained.

I know the industry is working really hard and has worked really hard to implement those prevention measures that we have outlined in the plan and at this point it's testing those efforts in terms of response to a case.

Hamblin says, while the infection was a disappointment, it was not unexpected and it provides an opportunity to test the responsiveness of the Manitoba PED elimination plan.

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