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PEDv Activity Remains Low In U.S.

The executive director of the National Swine Health Information Center says the onset of colder weather this coming fall and winter will be the true test of action taken to contain the spread of the virus responsible for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea.
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea, like TGE or Transmissible Gastro Enteritis, is more hardy and is spread more easily during colder weather.
Dr. Paul Sundberg, the executive director of the National Swine Health Information Center, reports we're still going through the summer, and at this point, the activity of PEDv in the U.S. remains at a very low level.
"Primarily the virus is affecting finishing floors that most probably are becoming infected as they travel to and from markets.
There still are some sow herds that are being affected, but for the most part, it's a very low level of activity.
We are confident that the continued attention to biosecurity and the preparedness of the gilts as they enter into the sow herds will be able to address that level as we go on into the fall and into the winter.
Source : AlbertaPork

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