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Peel Provides May Cattle Market Roundup

By Derrell S. Peel

It’s nearly May and the April showers continue in the southern plains bringing May forage. For the first time in a long time parts of western Oklahoma are experiencing flash flooding. Not only are we enjoying more rain than in many months, but the cumulative effect of continued rains, heavy in some locations, will provide better soil moisture penetration and surface water replenishment than the same moisture total in sporadic rains.

The April Cattle on Feed report pegs March feedlot placements fractionally above year ago levels, higher than expected. Placement consisted of a large increase in placements over 800 pounds with reduced placements for all weights under 800 pounds. March marketings were 98 percent of year earlier totals with one extra business day this year.

The April 1 on-feed total was equal to the same time last year. Feedlot placements were up in Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska but down in Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas. Nebraska had the largest state cattle on feed total for April 1; exceeding Texas for the third month in a row. Nebraska briefly exceeded the Texas total last year on May 1 for the first time in the current cattle on feed data series back to 1992.

One third of the way through 2015, total cattle slaughter for the year to date is down 7.5 percent and beef production is down 5.3 percent. Total steer and heifer slaughter so far this year is down 7.3 percent, with heifer slaughter leading the decrease, down 8.2 percent. Total cow slaughter for the year to date is down 7.2 percent, with dairy cow slaughter up 2.1 percent and beef cow slaughter down 17.5 percent.

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Season 5, Episode 8: Technology Insights and Considerations for Producers

Video: Season 5, Episode 8: Technology Insights and Considerations for Producers

This month on the PigX Podcast, we dive into key considerations for adopting technology in managing livestock. From research insights to practical applications, we explore how technology can enhance farm operations. Our guest, Dr. Isabella Condotta, an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, shares her expertise on the intersection of technology and livestock management. While many farms have begun integrating these tools, others are still weighing their options. Tune in to this episode for insights to help you make informed decisions about implementing and maintaining technology on your farm with the resources you have.