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Performance Comparisons of Early and Late Maturity Soybeans in SE Minnesota Available

Performance Comparisons of Early and Late Maturity Soybeans in SE Minnesota Available

By Lisa Behnken

Performance comparisons of early (1.0 to 1.8) and late (1.9 to 2.4) maturity soybeans in southeastern Minnesota are now available. Soybean evaluated in this trial were tolerant to one or more of the following herbicides: glyphosate, glufosinate, dicamba, 2,4-D, and/or a specific HPPD herbicide. Traits for each entry are included in tables 1-4. Yields for 16 early maturity entries ranged from 56.9 to 69.7 bushels per acre and from 56.2 to 70.4 bushels per acre for 16 late maturity entries.

The study was conducted near Rochester, Minnesota (Lawler site) on a Port Byron silt loam:

  • Planted  - May 31, 2020 with a 4-row John Deere planter equipped with cone units
  • Seeding rate - 165,000 seeds per acre planted at a depth of 1.5 inches
  • Row spacing - 30-inch rows
  • Plot size - 4 rows by 22 feet
  • Herbicides - Warrant Ultra + Pursuit / Glyphosate + Select Max
  • Insecticide - Sefina applied to control soybean aphids on August 14, 2020
  • Harvest - Machine harvested center two rows of each plot on October 14, 2020

Early maturing varieties

Table 1. CORRECTED Performance comparisons of early (1.0 to 1.8)  maturity soybeans in southeastern Minnesota by entry number, 2020.

1AGRIGOLD G1502RX1.5XTEND GT DT9.5de63.3bcd
2AGRIGOLD G1850RX1.8XTEND GT DT9.7cde61.4cd
3ASGROW AG10X91.0XTEND9.8a-e61.0cd
4ASGROW AG17X81.7XTEND9.5e64.1a-d
5DAHLMAN 6015XN1.5RR2XTEND9.6de69.0ab
6DAHLMAN 1117E3N1.7ENLIST E39.8a-d65.9abc
7GENESIS G1680GL1.6GT LL (GT27)9.7b-e65.6abc
8GOLDEN HARVEST G176331.7E39.9abc56.9d
10NK S14-A61.4RR29.6cde69.7a
11RENK RS150NX1.5GT DT XTEND9.6de64.7abc
12STINE 15GB231.5LLGT279.6cde65.3abc
13STINE 17EB021.7E310.1a57.9d
14STINE 17GA621.7LLGT279.6de63.8a-d
15TITAN PRO 15GL91.5LL/GT279.8a-d65.0abc
16TITAN PRO 17E01.7E39.9abc62.6cd
 LSD P=0.10  0.32 6.18 

Table 2. CORRECTED Performance comparisons of early (1.0 to 1.8)  maturity soybeans in southeastern Minnesota by yield ranking, 2020.

10NK S14-A61.4RR29.6cde69.7a
5DAHLMAN 6015XN1.5RR2XTEND9.6de69.0ab
6DAHLMAN 1117E3N1.7ENLIST E39.8a-d65.9abc
7GENESIS G1680GL1.6GT LL (GT27)9.7b-e65.6abc
12STINE 15GB231.5LLGT279.6cde65.3abc
15TITAN PRO 15GL91.5LL/GT279.8a-d65.0abc
11RENK RS150NX1.5GT DT XTEND9.6de64.7abc
4ASGROW AG17X81.7XTEND9.5e64.1a-d
14STINE 17GA621.7LLGT279.6de63.8a-d
1AGRIGOLD G1502RX1.5XTEND GT DT9.5de63.3bcd
16TITAN PRO 17E01.7E39.9abc62.6cd
2AGRIGOLD G1850RX1.8XTEND GT DT9.7cde61.4cd
3ASGROW AG10X91.0XTEND9.8a-e61.0cd
13STINE 17EB021.7E310.1a57.9d
8GOLDEN HARVEST G176331.7E39.9abc56.9d
 LSD P=0.10  0.32 6.18

Late maturing varieties

Table 3. CORRECTED Performance comparisons of late (1.9 to 2.4)  maturity soybeans in southeastern Minnesota by entry number, 2020.

1AGRIGOLD G1990RX1.9GT DT XTEND10.0cde66.3ab
2AGRICOLD G2405RX2.4GT DT XTEND10.7a70.0ab
3ASGROW AG20X92.0XTEND9.8e70.4a
4ASGROW AG22X92.2XTEND9.9de56.2c
5DAHLMAN 1120E3N2.0E310.5ab68.0ab
6DAHLMAN 6721XN2.1RR2 XTEND10.1cde66.0ab
7DAIRYLAND DS21102.1RR29.9de64.1b
8GENESIS 1950E1.9E39.8de67.1ab
9GENESIS G2190GL2.1GT LL GT279.9de67.9ab
10GOLDEN HARVEST G1915X1.9DT RR2 XTEND10.0cde67.6ab
11GOLDEN HARVEST G2329X2.3DT RR2 XTEND10.0cde64.1b
12STINE 19EA321.9E39.8de64.2ab
13STINE 20EB232.0E310.3bc68.0ab
14STINE 21EA322.1E310.1cde65.4ab
15TITAN PRO 21E02.1E310.1cde70.2ab
16TITAN PRO 22E82.0E310.1cd67.6ab
 LSD P=0.10  0.31 6.24

Table 4. CORRECTED Performance comparisons of late (1.9 to 2.4)  maturity soybeans in southeastern Minnesota by yield ranking, 2020.

3ASGROW AG20X92.0XTEND9.8e70.4a
15TITAN PRO 21E02.1E3  10.1cde70.2ab
2AGRICOLD G2405RX2.4GT DT XTEND10.7a70.0ab
5DAHLMAN 1120E3N2.0E310.5ab68.0ab
13STINE 20EB232.0E310.3bc68.0ab
9GENESIS G2190GL2.1GT LL GT279.9de67.9ab
10GOLDEN HARVEST G1915X1.9DT RR2 XTEND10.0cde67.6ab
16TITAN PRO 22E82.0E310.1cd67.6ab
8GENESIS 1950E1.9E39.8de67.1ab
1AGRIGOLD G1990RX1.9GT DT XTEND10.0cde66.3ab
6DAHLMAN 6721XN2.1RR2 XTEND10.1cde66.0ab
14STINE 21EA322.1E310.1cde65.4ab
12STINE 19EA321.9E39.8de64.2ab
7DAIRYLAND DS21102.1RR29.9de64.1b
11GOLDEN HARVEST G2329X2.3DT RR2 XTEND10.0cde64.1b
4ASGROW AG22X92.2XTEND9.9de56.2c
 LSD P=0.10  0.31 6.24

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