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Pesticide Applicator Recertification Options for 2025

By Tana Haugen-Brown

Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification

If you have a private pesticide applicator certification that expires on March 1, 2025, you need to recertify by February 28 to keep it current. The private pesticide applicator certification is for individuals who use Restricted Use Pesticides on land or sites for the production of agricultural commodities. Unsure if you need recertification? You can check your certification status at:

Recertification options   

There are several options to recertify in 2025. The cost is $100, regardless of the option you choose.

Option 1: Attend a recertification workshop

Workshops offer a great opportunity to review regulations and safety issues related to pesticide application while providing you with the latest University research on integrated pest management. A complete list of workshops can be found at

When attending a workshop:

  • Bring a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport
  • Bring your Private Pesticide Applicator Certification Card or number
  • You must attend the entire workshop to get recertified
  • Workshop check-in begins 30 minutes before the posted start time.
  • Walk-in registration is welcome and must be paid for by check made payable to the “University of Minnesota”
  • Pre-registration is available online and must be paid for by credit card. Pre-registration closes 3 days before each workshop.
  • NEW! Pre-registration is also available by calling our Extension registration at least one week before the workshop you want to attend. Leave a message with the workshop location and date at 612-626-5174. Someone will call you back within 3 days to get you registered. You need your private applicator number and a credit card to register by phone.
  • No pre-registration is available by email or mail.

Before heading out to a workshop we encourage you to check for any last-minute updates. A workshop may be canceled or postponed due to facility issues, illness, or bad weather.

  • If you pre-registered online, check your email for a cancelation notice.
  • Check our website at
  • Call the Farm Information Line at 1-800-232-9077 or
  • Visit our Facebook page or Twitter feed @UmnPSEE

Option 2: Attend an online Zoom recertification workshop

  • Choose February 19, 7:45 – 11:45 am (Fruit & Vegetable grower focused) OR February 28, 9:00 – 12:30 (crops grower focused)
  • Space is very limited and pre-registration is required
  • See more details at under “Workshops”

Option 3: Take the online exam

Option 4: Take the mail-in exam

New or expired certification

Are you a new private applicator or has your certification expired? If you have never been a certified private pesticide applicator or your certification has already expired, you MUST take the exam by either the online or mail-in option to receive your certification. Exam options close on October 31, 2025. After successfully becoming certified, you will be eligible for recertification options when it is time to renew in 3 years.

If you have questions or need further information about the workshops, visit our website at

Commercial/Noncommercial (CNC) Pesticide Applicator Recertification

Commercial/noncommercial applicators who need to recertify in 2025 can find a list of all CNC workshops and registration information here. Registration closes a week prior to each workshop. Precertification courses and other recertification workshop opportunities are also listed on our website.

Individuals who are looking to get a commercial or noncommercial applicator license for the first time will need to obtain that through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and test in the categories needed depending on the work they will be doing. Complete information on the categories and how to get a commercial/noncommercial pesticide license can be found on the MDA website.

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