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Planting extension for soybeans

Wet weather in parts of Ontario is continuing to create difficult planting conditions. After assessing the risks and consulting with industry, Agricorp is now also extending the soybean planting deadline from June 30 to July 2, for the areas listed below.  

Decisions to extend planting deadlines for Production Insurance require approval from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Other criteria for extensions include agronomic impacts, crop conditions surrounding the planting dates, and viability of the crop.

Decisions to plant within the extended planting period are left up to individual farmers.

For a full list of all planting deadlines, see the  feature sheet on

How coverage at planting works

Farm business decisions are always left up to individual farmers. Knowing how coverage works can help farmers make the best decisions for their farm businesses.

Farmers who are unable to plant their crops or need to replant due to excess rain can benefit from Production Insurance coverage for replanting and unseeded acreage coverage. 

Read Planting coverage – What you need to know for full details.

High call volumes expected

Because of the delayed planting, Agricorp is expecting an influx of phone calls. Agricorp appreciates and thanks customers for their patience during this busy time.

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