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Planting Green Decision Making Time

Much of Pennsylvania has soil conditions that are drier than average for this time of year. If you have cover crops that you intend to plant into prior to burning down(planting green) you should consider the amount of soil moisture they are using, especially if the spring continues to be dry.
Last year we started a USDA-SARE funded project on planting green. At 4 locations (two at research stations, two at working farms) corn was planted green after crimson clover, rye or a mix of both and compared with corn planted after these cover crops which had been killed about 2 weeks earlier. The corn yields were lower in the planted green plots at two locations. Corn population was significantly lower in planted green plots at one of those.
Soybeans planted green after rye had the same yields as soybeans planted after early killed rye.
Last year we had a dry spring and we attribute much of the reduced yield in the planted green corn to that. Farmers on our advisory board told us that they would have ‘pulled the trigger’ on the covers when they saw no rain in the forecast.
So how does this spring look? As you can read in the Pennsylvania Climatologist report, rain is in the forecast over the coming week, with cool temperatures, so it does not seem warranted to terminate cover crops as yet if you were planning on planting green. Keep a tab on actual versus predicted rain, however.
Based on maturity of the cover crop, you should probably also adjust your nitrogen program. If the cover crop is killed early, C/N ratio will be low. In the Cover Crop Chapter of the Penn State Agronomy Guide you find information about the C/N ratio of rye and how it changes during the fall-spring. In early spring, its C/N ratio will be 20, progressing to 30 by mid-spring, and being about 40 at the end of the spring. If you plant green into 6 foot tall rye, you should plan on adding extra nitrogen so your corn doesn’t run out of it. At the moment we don’t have guidelines how much you have to add, but it is probably wise to add another 30 lbs/A or so. It would be best to place this as close to the corn seed as possible without causing seed burn or salt injury. The rule is no more than 70 lbs/A of N+K2O within 2 inches of the seed, and no more than 10 lbs/A of N+K2O in pop-up starter. If you apply nitrogen fertilizer or manure on a cereal or grass cover crop in the spring it is probably not necessary to apply extra N even if you plant green. No extra N should be needed if your cover crop is a legume or balanced legume/grass mix.

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