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Planting is Coming and so are the Pests. Are You Ready?

If you haven’t looked into the innovative and proactive Take Action initiative of late, it might be a great time to give the widely expanded program supported by National Corn Growers Association and a host of partners a closer look.
The great news is the educational campaign is evolving and growing at a fast pace and now provides information on dealing with herbicide-resistant weeds, and fungicide and insect resistance.
Finding a clearer path to a more sustainable and profitable way to farm is made much easier thanks to Take Action. The mission here is to choose the best available tools and technology for the environment, your balance sheet and all with an eye on preserving access to these important tools. Informed management is just smart farming.
Take Action on Weeds, which the National Corn Growers Association promotes as a resource of farmers combating herbicide resistance issues, was developed by the United Soybean Board. Based on that success new technical resources will be rolled out in the days and weeks ahead.
In addition be on the lookout for a new podcast series addressing pest management and resistance, grassroots events in conjunction with major retailers, updates and expansion to the Take Action App, and distribution of a newsletter.
Key themes will focus on understanding new product labeling, increased focus on integrated pest management (IPM) including cultural practices, and optimal use of the various tools and modes of action available.
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Moving the cow calf pairs from one field to another! Purchase DLY gloves here: