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Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv) Update

Recently, the Ontario pork industry has seen a significant increase in the number of new cases of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv), largely concentrated in Oxford County (see:

Currently, the root cause(s) of these cases and how the virus is spreading is still being investigated by their herd veterinarians and business partners. Elimination plans are currently underway.

In response to this outbreak and to prevent further spread, Swine Health Ontario reminds producers and their partners to increase biosecurity vigilance.

Swine Health Ontario, Ontario Pork, the Ontario Pork Industry Council, and veterinary clinics are increasing communications outreach to transporters, assemblers, feed suppliers, processors and other parties that may have direct or indirect contact to farms to discuss enhancing biosecurity measures for their operations. Each partner along the supply chain should evaluate their exposure risks to the farms they visit and act accordingly.

Manitoba recently experienced its worst outbreak of PEDv on record. The lessons learned from this outbreak reiterate the importance of biosecurity. It is recommended that swine producers and the swine industry pay special attention to human movements and related biosecurity measures, transport biosecurity and movement of recovered, but shedding, pigs.

To help further prevent the spread of PEDv, producers should consider the following:

  • Limit access on your farm to essential visits only.
  • Have dedicated clothing for staff and visitors while inside the barn.
  • Ensure all trailers are cleaned and disinfected before arriving at the barn whenever possible and assume any truck or trailer could be positive.
  • Conduct rule-out testing when noticing any sign of scours.
  • If a barn tests positive, ensure all partners are notified as soon as possible to avoid the risk of spreading.
  • Consider manure movement and spreading in proximity to other hog barns.
  • Ensure rodents, birds and other wildlife are not able to enter barns.

Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.

Source : Ontario Pork

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