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Henry's Heroes Delivers 500 Dream Kit Totes
Children in need in 52 counties in Iowa received Dream Kit Totes from the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation. The Dream Kits were intentionally crafted to provide comfort and a sense of stability for children in crisis, Iowa Select Farms shared in a release.

Each kit includes a wheeled tote for easy transport, a cozy quilt and pillow, a friendly plush pig stuffed animal, basic hygiene essentials and a coloring kit to help express difficult emotions and create a safe space for imagination and creativity.

"The reality is that thousands of children across Iowa do not have a permanent or safe place to call home, facing unimaginable family situations such as neglect, violence, mental health challenges, substance abuse and/or homelessness," Jamie Horbach, Director of Public Affairs for Iowa Select Farms, said in a release. "Recognizing the need, Henry's Heroes stepped in."

The idea of the Dream Kits came to life knowing that every day, children are navigating the heartbreaking complexities of being rehomed to a safe and stable environment and often have few, if any, belongings to call their own.

Iowa Pork Producers Provide Generous Support to Local Food Pantries 
The Iowa Pork Producers Association (IPPA) maintains its commitment to fighting food insecurity by supporting local food pantries across the state with the Pork in the Pantry program, the organization said in a release.  IPPA will reimburse county pork producer organizations in Iowa up to $1,000 for pork products donated to food pantries in their counties. 

"Amidst the ongoing challenges faced by many Iowa families, pork producers step up and offer assistance wherever possible," Matt Gent, a pig farmer from Wellman who serves as president of IPPA said in a release. "We understand the vital role that food pantries play in providing sustenance to those experiencing hardship, and we are proud to extend our support to these essential organizations."

The financial support provided by IPPA in partnership with county pork producer organizations will enable county food pantries to bolster their resources, expand their reach, and better serve individuals and families in need, IPPA said. These contributions will help countless individuals by ensuring access to nutritious meals during tough times.

Six Students Compete in 2024 FFA Pork Speaking Contest Finals
Sadie Burtch, a student with the Chillicothe FFA program, impressed the judges with her speech to win the FFA Pork Speaking Contest state finals, held on February 20 at the 2024 Missouri Pork Expo.
Sadie was one of six speakers to reach the state finals. Students qualified for the finals by winning their area, then district contest. With the victory, she earned a plaque and a check for $200.
Sophie Geppert from the North Callaway FFA, placed second, earning $150. Ashtyn O’Malley with the Buffalo FFA finished third, earning $100. Also competing in the state finals were Michaela Miller, Carrollton FFA; Afton Montiorth, Fredericktown FFA; and Victoria Sperberg, Richland FFA—each received $50. 
PigTek, Chore-Time sponsored the FFA Pork Speaking Contest, which took place during the Missouri Pork Expo held in Osage Beach at Margaritaville Lake Resort. Pork producers from across the state enjoyed a trade show, producer education seminars and guest speakers

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Sheep Registration Paperwork & Manure Spreading on Ewetopia Farms | Suffolk & Poll Dorset

Video: Sheep Registration Paperwork & Manure Spreading on Ewetopia Farms | Suffolk & Poll Dorset

Welcome back to Ewetopia Farms! In today’s vlog, we dive into one of the most time-consuming tasks on the farm—sheep registration paperwork. As a sheep farm that raises registered Suffolk and Poll Dorset sheep, keeping up with the required documentation is essential to maintain our flock’s status, but it’s no easy task! Watch as I walk you through the entire process, from filling out forms to submitting records, all while Arnie is outside tackling another essential job—spreading manure on the crop fields before winter. Farming is all about balancing the fun tasks with the less glamorous ones, and today, we’re showing you what goes into maintaining a successful registered sheep operation. Join us at Ewetopia Farms for another behind-the-scenes look at sheep farming, from paperwork to manure spreading and everything in between!"