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Pork Producers Encouraged to Engage Veterinarians to Diagnose Any Changes in Animal Health

The Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center is encouraging pork producers to involve their veterinarians any time they notice changes in morbidity or mortality on their farms to help guard against the introduction of foreign animal disease.
The Swine Health Information Center's July swine disease monitoring reports indicate there has been a decrease this spring in PED, PRRS has increased in the wean to finish category and Mycoplasma has remained within expected levels while we continue to see sporadic reports of Foot and Mouth Disease and Classical Swine Fever internationally but African Swine Fever continues to spread and presents the greatest risk of foreign animal disease.
Dr. Paul Sundberg, the Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center, says it's important to keep on top of any changes in herd health.
Clip-Dr. Paul Sundberg-Swine Health Information Center:
What to watch for and recommendations is to not be complacent and to always, in a mortality event, engage a health professional to get a diagnosis. It's extremely important, not only for your management on your farm with PRRS, PED or some other things that may be happening on your farm but also as it relates to the potential for foreign animal diseases entering the country, entering North America.
The way that we will stop those things as quickly as possible is finding them as quickly as possible. That means that any time there is an adverse health event, whether it's an increase in morbidity or a mortality event that producers get with their veterinarians right away so they don't assume that they know what they have but they get conformation and know that it's not a foreign animal disease that needs to be addressed.
Source : Farmscape

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