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Pork Sector Stakeholders Encouraged to Review SHIC 2022 Plan of Work

The Swine Health Information Center is encouraging pork sector stakeholders to review its just released 2022 plan of work. Launched in 2015, the Swine Health Information Center is charged with co-ordinating domestic and global swine disease monitoring, facilitating swine disease research and distributing critical information to pork sector stakeholders. As part of its February enewsletter, the center has released its 2022 Plan of Work.

SHIC Executive Director Dr. Paul Sundberg explains the plan is compiled with broad pork sector input and oversight.

Clip-Dr. Paul Sundberg-Swine Health Information Center:

I gather as much information from as many different sources as I can. I ask them all essentially about the same questions, what do we need to  accomplish in the next 12 months, what are the biggest issues that you have now and how can we help you with emerging diseases. I talk to individuals, I talk to companies, I talk to individual veterinarians and pork producers, I talk to veterinary diagnostic labs, veterinary researchers, USDA, state animal health officials, as wide a variety of input as I can get.

Then I pass that collection on to working groups, the monitoring and analysis working group and the preparedness and response working group that I have that advise the direction for the center. Then the final filter for our plan of work is the Swine Health Information Center's Board of Directors.

They just met the last week in January and they went through all of the information that was gathered and they're the ones that set the plan of work with the associated budget to that, taking some things out, adding some things, changing some things in there with their look of how they help give the Swine Health Information Center program the direction and the philosophy we need to have in order to help the pork industry.

Source : Farmscape

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Video: Vaccinating Pregnant Sheep & Ensuring Lamb Parentage | Daily Sheep Farming Life

Welcome to another day at Ewetopia Farms, where we focus on raising high-quality registered Suffolk and Poll Dorset sheep. In today’s vlog, we vaccinate four groups of pregnant ewes, administer their final de-licing treatments, and meticulously record each sheep's group for accurate lamb parentage tracking. Watch as we share our best practices for sheep care and flock management, ensuring the health and well-being of our flock. Whether you’re a fellow farmer, an animal lover, or simply curious about sheep farming, you’ll find insights and inspiration here at Ewetopia Farms. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to join us daily on our journey!