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Port of Johnstown Gets $2 Million for New Grain Dryer Purchase

The federal government on Friday announced $2 million for the Port of Johnstown in eastern Ontario, money that will help boost the facility’s grain drying capacity while also reducing its emissions. 

According to a federal release, the investment will support the Port of Johnstown in purchasing and installing a new grain dryer with heat capture and air recycling features that will minimize fuel consumption by roughly 20 to 40%, or more than an estimated 344 tonnes of CO2 emissions, annually. 

The project will also expand the ability of local producers to “dry grain more efficiently, move grain to market sooner and reduce the risk of grain spoilage experienced in previous seasons due to limited drying capacity.” 

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Spending Christmas Time with the Farm Animals

Video: Spending Christmas Time with the Farm Animals

I will be showing you around the farm and spending time with the animals. I will also be riding and working with my horses.