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Potatoes After Cover Crops

Cover crops can provide many soil and ecosystem benefits, like improving water infiltration and providing resources for pollinators. However, we don't yet know which cover crop species are best suited for specific cash crops. 

To answer this, I planted potatoes into the residue of 5 cover crop mixes in Shafter (Kern County). Here are the mixes I planted: 

1. Soil health mix: Merced rye, common vetch, berseem clover, and daikon radish 

2. Soil builder mix: triticale, Dundale peas, common vetch, yellow mustard, and radish 

3. Brassica pollinator mix: yellow mustard, daikon radish, Nemfix mustard, “Bracco” white mustard, and canola 

4. Simple mix 1: Merced rye and Dundale peas 

5. Simple mix 2: barley and common vetch 

I wanted to see if the cover crops would reduce disease incidence or improve yield. Here's what I did in this trial:

Potatoes After Cover Crops

5 different cover crop mixes were terminated in Shafter on March 18, 2021 using a disc harrow. 

Potatoes After Cover Crops

To encourage further decomposition, the cover crops were disked multiple times and irrigated once in March and April. 

Potatoes After Cover Crops

These yellow potatoes were planted at 1' spacing in 30” beds on April 22, 2021. The beds were 60' long.

The potatoes received adequate moisture from solid set sprinklers. 

We applied nitrogen fertilizer once, at the beginning of the growing period. 

Potatoes After Cover Crops

Potatoes were harvested on August 3, 2021.  


So, what did we see? We had a few challenges:

Southern blight and other soil borne pathogens

Potatoes After Cover Crops

By June 9, all of the rows had some potato plants, but it was very patchy. 


Potatoes After Cover Crops

The plants were dying because they were infected with southern blight and other soil borne pathogens (right photo). 

Potatoes After Cover Crops


So, did we find anything interesting? 

There was too much variability and not enough replication to see meaningful differences in the yields associated with the different cover crop mixes. 

Further research is needed to identify the best cover crop species for each cash crop in Kern County. 

Key takeaways

Southern blight thrives under the conditions of the trial field in Shafter. It has historically only been a major problem in Kern County, but other areas of California are now reporting cases due to warming temperatures. 

It grows best under these conditions:

-       Warm temperatures 

-       Acidic soil – the soil pH in the top 6 inches of soil was between 5.8 and 6.3 

-       Decaying organic matter – in this case, the decomposing cover crops

-       High soil moisture – we used sprinkler irrigation

Unfortunately, southern blight doesn't just attack potatoes. It has a wide range of hosts and can decimate other vegetable crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, and chard.  

Should I not plant cover crops because of southern blight?

The potato trial in the neighboring field was also decimated by southern blight. That field was fallow before the potatoes were planted, with no cover crops.  

If you plan to grow a crop that is susceptible to southern blight and you are in Kern County, you should focus on the cultural practices and chemical products that will reduce your risk of crop loss. 

If you plant cover crops, make sure that the crop residue has completely decomposed before planting your cash crop. This might require terminating your cover crops early, so that there is enough time for complete decomposition. 

In this trial, there was an incredible amount of biomass left over from the cover crops. They were irrigated and planted at 1.8X the recommended seeding rate. There was also plenty of nitrogen and warm weather to fuel their growth. If your cover crops do not produce as much biomass, especially ligneous biomass, then they should not take as long to break down as the ones in this study did. 

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How to fix a leaking pond.

Video: How to fix a leaking pond.

Does the pond leak? Ummmm....possibly a tiny bit. Well, more than a bit...ok, the darn thing leaks like a sieve!

QUESTIONS ANSWERED: Damit is not plastic. Therefore, there are no microplastics. I wish I had not mentioned plastic, but that is a very common polymer and I mentioned it as an example of a polymer. A polymer is simply a chain of repeating molecules, or "monomers." Cellulose is a polymer of glucose molecules. Starches are also polymers of various molecules such as fructose, maltose, etc. We have many polymers inside our bodies. In other words, just knowing something is a polymer doesn't make it bad, toxic, harmful, etc. However, this also doesn't mean all polymers are safe.

The specific polymer used for Damit is a trade secret, however, it has been closely scrutinized by multiple health and safety authorities. This includes the governmental authorities of Australia, the USA, Europe, and Asia. Not only have they determined that is safe to use in earthen ponds, and not harmful to fish, but it is considered safe to use in human potable water systems in all of these areas. And of course, they know the exact makeup of the polymer when making this determination. I'm told that the same polymer is in use by many municipalities to keep potable water storage tanks leak free. I can't tell you exactly what the polymer is, because I don't know, but given the confidence with which the governmental authorities have authorized its use, I would bet it is made of a monomer that we are exposed to all the time, like fructose or something.

It also breaks down in a matter of years, and does not accumulate in the environment. The end products of breaking down are CO2, water, and base minerals like potassium. The SDS reports no need for concern with ingestion, inhalation, or contact. If in eyes, rinse with water.

End result, can I say for sure that it is 100% safe? No, I don't know exactly what it is. But given people who do know exactly what it is, and have scrutinized it, have approved it for use in human potable water systems, I'm pretty comfortable putting it in an earthen pond.