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Prairie Crop Update

Last week's rainfall across the majority of the Prairies was a welcome site for producers.

Producers that were lucky enough to see some moisture, rainfall amounts were quite varied.

Agrologists note with this year's extremely dry conditions, any rainfall is a welcome sight, but more moisture will be needed to help the crop progress.

Manitoba's Weekly Crop Report Summary

Manitoba is reporting patchy emergence in nearly all crops.

Crop recovery from a late May frost has been good, with cereals generally doing well. Reseeding is complete for frost-affected soybean and canola crops.

Meantime, some farmers have had to look at reseeding canola due to flea beetle damage - an issue that is also being reported in Saskatchewan.

As the weather allows, farmers are busy with herbicide applications.

According to the report last week, over half of the cereals applications are over half complete; canola herbicide spraying has been delayed to prioritize flea beetle suppression.

Recently, the province announced it's providing livestock producers with funding options to address dry conditions on pasture regarding alternative water strategies.

A link to Manitoba Agriculture's Crop Report can be found here, with the next report set to be released on Tuesday. 

Saskatchewan's Crop Report Summary

Matt Struthers is a Crops Extension Specialist, with the Ministry of Agriculture in Saskatchewan.

He says the moisture of course is always welcome and good to see.

"Unfortunately, with how dry it is, the amounts we've gotten in the past week haven't really jumped our numbers up very much. Last week's crop report showed cropland topsoil moisture is still rated as zero per cent surplus, 56 per cent adequate, 40 per cent short and 4 per cent very short. Hay and pasture is doing no better with zero per cent surplus, 35 per cent adequate, 53 percent short and 12 per cent very short."

Struthers says crop development was also delayed, but the rain and warmer weather this week should help.

"We're sitting at 18 per cent of fall crops being in the shot blade stage, with 18 per cent also heading, 51 per cent of spring cereals are emerging, 38 per cent are tillering. Forty-two per cent of canola is emerging, 40 per cent is now in the seedling stage, along with 30 per cent of flax being in the seedling stage."

He notes pulses are the furthest ahead with 49 per cent emerging, and 45 per cent in the vegetative stage.

Struthers notes a key issue for producers so far has been flea beetle and cutworm damage, with Saskatchewan Agriculture's latest crop report showing some producers have had to look at reseeding the crop.

"Throughout pretty much the whole province there's been reports of large flea beetle populations. When the weather permits, you know, when the winds are down, and it's not too hot farmers are out there spraying. Some guys have already sprayed twice in one field or some of their fields. So you know, they're going to get those flea beetles under control. The main concern is canola. Once that canola gets to about the three and four leaf stage, it can withstand any damage, but it's just helping that crop survive until that point."

A link to Saskatchewan Agriculture's Crop Report can be found here, with the next report set to be released on Thursday.

Alberta Agriculture's Crop Report Summary

Alberta Agriculture's says seeding is now complete in the province for the major crops, with a few acres of oats and barley for feed still to be planted in some areas

At this point, 91 per cent of all major crop acres are now up and out of the ground.

According to the report, Spring Wheat is 94 per cent emerged, six points ahead of the five-year average, while barley is 87 per cent emerged compared to the five-year average of 80 per cent. Oats are 81 per cent ,while Canola has about 87 per cent of the acres emerged, with peas at 98 per cent emerged.

Tame hay and pasture are now coming along nicely in most areas after the last couple of weeks of alternating rain and heat. Current survey results show that pasture is 6 per cent poor, 27 per cent fair, 60 per cent good with the remaining 7 per cent in excellent condition. Tame hay ratings are similar

According to the report, surface soil moisture shows 6 per cent is rated as poor, 23 per cent fair, 55 per cent good, and 15 per cent excellent. Sub-surface soil moisture is currently estimated at 7 per cent poor, 25 per cent fair, 47 per cent good, and 21 per cent excellent.

The report shows that large areas of the Peace and Southern regions continue to experience drier than normal conditions.

A link to Alberta's Crop Report can be found here, with the next report set to be released on Friday.

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