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Preparations Continue for Amalgamation Vote, Name Chosen for Proposed Organization

A name has been chosen for the new amalgamated organization being discussed by five of the province's commodity groups.
The steering committee has chosen the name Manitoba Crop Alliance, Inc.
Members of the five organizations will vote in-person at their respective annual general meetings as part of the CropConnect Conference in February.
The groups involved include the Manitoba Corn Growers Association (MCGA), Manitoba Flax Growers Association (MFGA), the National Sunflower Association of Canada (NSAC), Winter Cereals Manitoba (WCMI) and the Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association (MWBGA).
As part of the incorporation process, an interim board of directors for Manitoba Crop Alliance were appointed from the five commodity organizations. The interim directors include from MWBGA Fred Greig, Robert Misko and Drew Baker, from NSAC Mark McDonald and Gregg Fotheringham, from WCMI Doug Martin, from MFGA Nick Matheson and Eric Fridfinsson, and from MCGA Patrick Friesen, Myron Krahn and Reginald Johnson. Manitoba Crop Alliance’s executive committee was also elected by the interim directors. Fred Greig will serve as chair, Robert Misko as vice-chair and Doug Martin as secretary on an interim basis.
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