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Price Bump, Trade Deal Could Help Dairy Farmers Turn Profit In 2020

By Brock Turner
For the first time in years, dairy farmers are looking forward to price increases for their products.
The United States Department of Agriculture says price forecasts for nearly all dairy products will be greater in 2020 than they were in 2019.
That’s good news for farmers, many of which have been producing below the cost of production for the last several years.
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Lambs Coming FAST! Backwards Births & Space Running Out

Video: Lambs Coming FAST! Backwards Births & Space Running Out

Backwards births and complicated lamb deliveries plus we're running out of space! Lambing season at Ewetopia Farms is in full swing, with lambs arriving almost faster than we can manage! Arnie is hard at work cleaning out the Coverall to make space for new arrivals, but today, Lynn steps in to deliver two sets of Suffolk twins—including a tricky backwards birth! Later, Arnie faces an even more complicated delivery with tangled lambs. Watch as we tackle these challenges and keep the farm running smoothly!