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Private-Sector Delivery Protects Farmers

The Federal crop insurance program is built on a unique public-private partnership. Under this successful model, farmers purchase a personalized crop insurance policy from any of the private insurance companies – known as Approved Insurance Providers, or AIPs – authorized to sell and service crop insurance by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

But how does private-sector delivery of crop insurance protect farmers? Watch our new video– featuring real farmers, real agents, and real adjusters – to learn more.

Crop insurance companies work together with the USDA to improve the regulatory framework of crop insurance, improve program delivery, and expand participation. While the USDA sets rates and rules for the various plans of insurance that can be sold by private crop insurance agents, it is the responsibility of crop insurance companies to write policies, as well as adjust and process claims.

That means when disaster strikes, private-sector crop insurance companies react quickly to assess damages and issue payments. Crop insurance assistance is usually delivered within just 30 days of a claim being finalized, making crop insurance faster than disaster aid and providing farmers and the communities that rely on them with a critical safety net.

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