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Production Research Action Team seeking RFPs

The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) is now accepting research-project proposals for fiscal year 2025. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit pre-proposals from various investigators and collaborators to help enhance environmental stewardship and increase the production profitability of Minnesota soybean producers. To submit a proposal for checkoff-funding consideration, email the cover sheet, full project proposal and budget template to by 5 p.m. on Dec. 6, 2024.  

The Council is seeking projects in the following areas: 

  • Soybean pest management 
  • Agronomic research and technology transfer 
  • Soybean breeding, molecular genetics and functional genomics 

Tasked with wisely directing Minnesota soybean checkoff investments, MSR&PC invests in three core areas: research, education and promotion. The RFP process is a critical component to ensure that checkoff investments represent and address the myriad difficulties and opportunities for Minnesota soybean growers. 

“For these proposals, we tend to see everything from cutting-edge soybean breeding genetic research that might be 10 years down the road to nutrient management surveys to research projects that address weed management,” said David Kee, MSR&PC director of research. 

 Successful research proposals will increase profitability to Minnesota soybean farmers, while promoting, educating and increasing awareness of the state’s nearly 26,000 soybean farmers and the importance of soybeans and soybean products to industry, influencers and consumers.

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