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Progress Achieved At the National Bee Health Roundtable

On March 5, the National Bee Health Roundtable held its third workshop since its inception in the spring of 2014. As a founding member of the Roundtable, the Canola Council of Canada is pleased to report tangible accomplishments achieved by stakeholders with a direct interest in the health of bees. These stakeholders are taking action to improve bee health, including the development of a National Bee Health Action Plan which includes key objectives for factors affecting the health of bees.
The National Bee Health Action Plan identifies priority issues, fosters collaborative and innovative activities to maintain a healthy honeybee population in Canada and supports a competitive Canadian apicultural industry. The Roundtable heard about achievements in three priority areas: reducing the threat posed by Varroa mites to honeybees; the development of Best Management Practices for beekeepers; and the formation of a working group to reduce bees’ exposure to pesticides.
Read the complete version of the release from the industry members of the Bee Health Roundtable, including details on the progress achieved to date.
The Canola Council of Canada is a full value chain organization representing canola growers, processors, life science companies and exporters. Canola is an ideal source of forage and nutrition for bees. The CCC cooperates on national and North American initiatives including the National Bee Health Roundtable to ensure canola production practices are compatible with pollinator health.
Source: Canola Council of Canada

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