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Progressive Conservatives win 2022 provincial election

Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) would like to congratulate Premier Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario on their re-election and thank them for their commitment to supporting our dairy system. DFO is looking forward to collaborating and continuing our work with the newly elected provincial government along with opposition parties to ensure a vibrant and healthy dairy sector in Ontario and Canada.
Throughout the campaign DFO informed producers of the upcoming election, encouraged them to engage with local candidates and provided them with the necessary materials and messaging for meetings. Along with this, DFO prepared a series of op-eds for submission to local news outlets in coordination with DPC members that were distributed throughout the campaign period. Local media interviews were also scheduled to share the voices of local dairy farmers and build support for our asks.
In the coming weeks and months, DFO plans to continue its work with the provincial government and reach out to newly elected and re-elected Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP) on support to bring new dairy processing capacity to life in Ontario, creation of an infrastructure renewal fund to upgrade and modify existing dairy processing equipment and facilities, and investment in modernizing education programs and training facilities to meet future dairy industry needs. As with the federal election, introductions will be made with the DPC chair and vice-chair in each MPPs riding.

Source : Milk Organisation

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