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Promising Results From Ireland's First Large-Scale Measurement of Methane Emissions in Beef Cattle

Promising Results From Ireland's First Large-Scale Measurement of Methane Emissions in Beef Cattle

The first large scale characterisation of methane emissions in Irish beef cattle conclusively shows that some beef cattle can produce up to 30% less methane emissions, on average, for the same level of productivity.

Novel research led by Teagasc, in collaboration with colleagues at University College Dublin (UCD) and the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF), are making strides towards identifying, and ultimately, breeding for low methane emitting  in a bid to improve the environmental sustainability of the national   herd in Ireland.

To date the genetic selection of low methane emitting ruminant livestock has been limited by the relationship of methane output and feed intake. As Teagasc Walsh Scholar Ph.D. student Paul Smith explains, "In general on the same plane of nutrition, animals that consume more feed tend to produce more methane on a daily basis. This relationship has so far made it difficult to breed low methane emitting animals without negatively impacting feed intake, which is a key driver of animal productivity, particularly in forage based production systems."

However, Teagasc's Professor Sinéad Waters, Professor David Kenny, Paul Smith and Stuart Kirwan, along with, UCD's Dr. Alan Kelly and ICBF's Dr. Stephen Conroy, working collaboratively through an ERA-GAS funded project "RumenPredict," have recently developed a novel approach to quantifying emissions in beef cattle, capable of disentangling the relationship of feed intake with methane output. In their study, recently published in the Journal of Animal Science, the group showcase the benefits of utilizing a new concept termed residual methane emissions (RME) to select low methane emitting animals without impacting animal productivity. The study is the first large scale measurement of methane emissions in Irish beef cattle and one of the largest conducted worldwide.

Residual methane emissions can be defined as the difference between an animal's actual and expected methane output, based on the quantity of feed that it consumes on a daily basis and its bodyweight. Describing the study, Paul Smith added, "We calculated RME values for 282 beef cattle undergoing feed efficiency and methane measurements at the ICBF Progeny Test Centre in Tully, County Kildare. After ranking animals as high, medium and low on the basis of RME, low RME animals produced 30% less methane, but maintained the same level of feed intake, feed efficiency, growth and carcass output as their high ranking RME contemporaries."

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