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Protecting Agricultural Employee Health During COVID-19

Protecting Agricultural Employee Health During COVID-19

By Maria Gorgo-Gourovitch

Penn State Extension has a number of on-line resources that provide guidance on protecting agricultural employee health during the corona virus pandemic.

The on-line resources include webinars, growers forums, and resource pages on COVID-19 prevention and control in shared agricultural housing, vehicles, and work settings. Specific topics include workplace best practices, administrative controls for ensuring workers are protected and receiving the resources they need, what to do if an employee reports testing positive, and contact tracing--what it is and how it works.

Grower forum panelists include Grant Meckley, Keystone Health Physician Assistant and Outreach Coordinator, Yeimi Gagliardi, Wellspan Community Health Educator, Brook Duer, Penn State Law Staff Attorney, Richard Stup, Cornell Extension Agricultural Workforce Specialist, Scott Sheely, Lancaster County Agriculture Council Executive Director, along with several agricultural human resource managers.

To watch recordings of growers forums and access handouts, visit H-2A Agricultural Workers Visa Growers Forum: Program Updates under COVID-19 , click on "View Recorded Webinar," and select a forum. The page that comes up has a video player for watching the webinar. To view related resources including workplace signage in Spanish and English, scroll down and click on "Attachments." To watch an upcoming live forum, click on "Live Webinars," and register, or call 877-345-0691.

To watch a townhall-style webinar that initiated the series of growers forums, please visit H-2A Agricultural Workers in Times of Uncertainty .

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