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Protecting farmers against the impacts of poultry disease outbreak

 Ottawa, Ontario – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Farmers care about the health of their animals and make every effort to protect it. Disease outbreaks can still occur, resulting in significant losses for producers, the sector and the economy. Today, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, announced over $1.2 million for three organizations to roll out insurance products to help poultry producers better manage risks and mitigate losses that may result from a disease outbreak.

In addition to economic losses, disease outbreaks can have major impacts on animal welfare, food supply and producer mental health. By supporting industry partners, the Government of Canada is contributing to the development of tools that help farmers manage these risks. The recipient organizations include:

Les Producteurs d’œufs d’incubation du Québec (POIQ) – up to $531,813 to implement and sustainably manage the Régime d’indemnisation des producteurs d’œufs d’incubation (Hatching Egg Producer Compensation Plan). This group insurance plan was developed to cover losses and costs associated with the control of two diseases: Salmonella enteritidis or Mycoplasma synoviae. Along with protecting farmers against financial hazards of these conditions, the plan also helps to ensure members adhere to testing protocols, mandatory reporting of any contamination, and that farmers take the necessary steps to reduce the risk of spread.
Canadian Egg Industry Reciprocal Alliance (CEIRA) – up to $408,485 to update the compensation model for its insurance product that covers table egg producers against avian influenza. The changes will help ensure the viability and sustainability of this insurance tool. The funding also supports activities to raise awareness of CEIRA’s insurance products to poultry producers across Canada.
Équipe québécoise de contrôle des maladies avicoles (EQCMA) – up to $337,126 to develop and launch an insurance product to cover table egg producers against false layer syndrome, a health problem that affects the reproductive system of laying hens and causes a significant decrease in productivity. The project also supports development of protocols for early detection of the disease, as well as control and eradication protocols to help minimize the risk of spread.

The Government of Canada continues to support poultry producers with the resources they need to get through challenges such as disease outbreaks. Limiting farmer losses and helping them resume operations faster following an outbreak also helps protect the broader economy, and ensures the food supply remains reliable for Canadians.ri-food workforce.

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