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Protecting Ontario’s Soil Fertility: The Key to Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation

Farm and food systems in Ontario rely on healthy soil to determine both the quality and quantity of produce. The benefits from healthy soil are manifold, including enriched crop growth, higher yields, increased water and nutrient retention, biodiversity, and climate change resiliency. Soil fertility is measured by its ability to grow crops. The content of the soil’s organic matter plays a pivotal role in ensuring ideal soil structure, fertility, drainage, and tolerance to erosion. Healthy soil is essential to maintaining the long-term sustainability and productivity of our agricultural lands. Ontario’s agri-food industry accounted for 6.4% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2023, generating employment for over 800,000 people, and farm cash worth $47 billion for Ontario farmers—all made possible by the health and productivity of our soils [1].

Why Organic Soils Are Ontario’s Best-Kept Secret

Organic soils are formed through the decomposition of many generations of plant residues which have been preserved due to a lack of oxygen. This process of organic soil formation is estimated to take about 500 years, only to yield 30 cm of soil. As the name suggests, organic soils contain a significant amount of soil organic matter (SOM), and one of its subgroups, peat soil, is predominantly found on Ontario farmlands. Peat soils typically contain over 75% organic matter, making them highly fertile and ideal for vegetable production [2]. These organic soils are vital to Ontario’s success in growing perennial crops like apples, peaches, and grapes, contributing significantly to the province’s agricultural economy and food security. Additionally, organic soil can sequester carbon and support a diversity of microorganisms, flora, and fauna. This unique combination offers immense potential to drive agricultural productivity while benefitting the environment and our communities [3]. 

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