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Province Commits $3 Million To Shelterbelts Along Trans-Canada Highway

The Manitoba government has committed $3 million to maintain the health of existing trees and establish an additional 10 kilometres of shelterbelts that will enhance safety and demonstrate natural infrastructure along the Trans-Canada Highway between Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie

“This is a great natural step that will help increase safety along the Trans-Canada highway, especially in the winter months when blowing snow makes visibility a real challenge in this area,” said Premier Brian Pallister. “This continued investment will not only beautify this route but help make it safer for Manitobans and our visitors.”

Sections of the shelterbelt need attention, while other sections need to be extended.

“This project really showcases our commitment to the environment and ensures we support natural adaptations that can have multiple, long-term benefits,” added Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler. “Over the years, some of the existing shelterbelt has been damaged and needs to be replaced. This project will do that and more with the addition of even more trees.”

The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation (MHHC) launched Phase 1 of the Trans-Canada Shelterbelt Project in 2019 and has overseen the planting of 8,400 trees and shrubs covering 9.3 km between St. François Xavier and Portage la Prairie, with an additional 7.7 km of multi-row planting planned for next summer, which will add another 11,600 trees and shrubs. With this additional $3 million made available through the Growing Outcomes in Watersheds (GROW) Trust, the program will see another 15,000 more trees and shrubs planted over 10 km. MHHC will also be able to undertake more aggressive watering for all plantings, including emergency watering under dry conditions, and replace plantings lost to winterkill or animal damage in both project phases.

“We are gratified to be involved in tree-planting project that’s improving one of Manitoba’s most important roadways,” said Tim Sopuck, chief executive officer, MHHC. “It will directly protect the well-being of Manitobans.”

The proposed additional planting for Phase 2 will have three-row plantings west of Elie and includes a greater diversity of trees and shrubs, which brings the total investment to $5.5 million.

Many of the species are native to Manitoba and have all been sourced from local suppliers.

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