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Province extends AgriInsurance seeding deadline for soybeans

Manitoba Agriculture and the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) are announcing the extension of the AgriInsurance seeding deadlines for soybeans starting in 2022.

The full coverage seeding deadlines for soybeans are now June 8 in Soybean Area 1 and June 4 in Soybean Areas 2 and 3. In addition, soybean growers in these areas will now be eligible for insurance if planting occurs in the five days following the full-coverage seeding deadline. However, coverage will be reduced by 20 per cent. The full-coverage seeding deadline for Soybean Area 4 continues to be May 30 with no extended seeding deadline coverage. These changes are permanent and will be part of the AgriInsurance contract going forward.

These changes were made in consultation with the Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers Association after a review of available data and agronomic considerations such as growing season length and the use of varieties that are more adapted to Manitoba conditions since the seeding deadlines were last considered. These changes are not expected to materially change the risk to the AgriInsurance program and therefore there is no change to premiums as a result.

MASC is not considering seeding deadline extensions for other crops at this time. The final spring seeding deadline for many major crops is June 20. 

AgriInsurance contract holders who are unable to seed by June 20 due to wet conditions are eligible for Excess Moisture Insurance.

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