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Province, KAP renew 4R agreement with Fertilizer Canada

The province, Keystone Agricultural Producers and Fertilizer Canada have renewed an agreement to promote 4R Nutrient Stewardship in Manitoba.

“This [memo of understanding] supports and strengthens our government’s objectives in food security and affordability, in addition to environmental performance, with the nutrient stewardship programming developed by Canada’s fertilizer industry,” said Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson in an Oct. 13 news release.

The 4R framework, which encourages farmers to apply nutrients with the right source, right rate, right time and right place, has recently hit the spotlight as agricultural groups pushed the federal government to recognize its ability to reduce emissions from fertilizer.

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Follow the Corn Farmer

Video: Follow the Corn Farmer

Brent Oswald is excited to welcome you to his farm, Cottonwood Feeds, just southeast of Winnipeg. Students will learn all about corn, including planting, crop care, harvest, and the many uses of corn — from food to feed and fuel to fibre.