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Province Providing Tax Incentive For Agri-Processing Industries

Earlier this week, the Alberta government introduced a new agri-processing tax credit to help attract larage scale investment.

With the tax credit, the government is hoping to capitalize on the potential of the agri-processing industry across the province. One of the people attending the news conference at Harmony Beef in Rockyview County, was Paul McLauchlin, the president of the Rural Municipality association of Alberta. 

"You talk to anybody under the age 18, they talk about food quality, local food. They want to look for innovation in their food products. They're looking for a variety at the same time. We need to leverage that for the future. This is a huge signal and I want to thank the Minister and this government for doing this because it creates certainty on both ends of the spectrum, certainty on the producers side. The good folks that are stewards of this land that create amazing commodities and they do it so innovatively. The agriculture industry in Alberta needs to be supported and this supports them, but it goes beyond that cause it's really where you have agriculture meeting with innovation, I think in the investment, you're attracting people from other places and they're seeing what's going on in Alberta. From the producers side, from the good folks that I represent which is the folks of rural Alberta, thank you very much for the vision. Thank you for the innovation. Thank you for the ideas."

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